Innis & Gunn Brewing Co

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Inveralmond Mixed Case

Your favourites in one case

Get the best of our Inveralmond Brewery in one mixed case

Ossian is a golden ale from our sister brewery in the heart of Scotland. A strong malt body is complemented by a heady hop aroma of zesty lemon and orange citrus.

EPA is vibrant, hoppy, Edinburgh Pale Ale. It is a light but appetising beer that tantalises the taste buds. An enticing combination of grassy and citrusy aromas.

Lia Fail is a rich, malty amber ale. Deliciously dark, robust, and full bodied. This beer is well-balanced, offering satisfying sweetness and chocolate notes.

You'll enjoy 8x 500ml bottles of each beer in this pack.

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  • The facts

    Suitable for
  • Tasting notes

    Unique to each beer
What to expect

Inside The Case

This pack includes

8x Bottles of Ossian Beer (500ml, 4.1% ABV)

8x Bottles of EPA (500ml, 3.8% ABV)

8x Bottles of Lia Fail (500ml, 4.7% ABV)

INVERALMOND mixed case 2046


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